The Top Of My Head

They watch as it grows up, not down, defying gravity

Not understanding the magnitude of what they actually see

It’s not just hair, it’s not just a style

It’s life, it’s love, it’s something they’ll be thinking about for a while

Some love it so much, they say that it’s magic

Some act like it’s a big deal which is altogether tragic

So much hate for something so natural

They think it’s a fantasy, when it’s all factual

Not exotic, not different, not something to hide

A reflection of your ancestral roots you can show on the outside

An afro, a halo, a headpiece, a crown

Worn big and free, still looking elegant in that gown

Some call it a mess and some call it nappy

But I love my hair and my hair makes me happy

xx woeful writes xx

Sorry, full on cheese, I know. Also I haven’t really written anything that resembles poetry in a while so this is it! I’m actually in a good place with my hair after shaving it bald in November 2016. It seemed to be a good subject matter, considering I’m so passionate about it, with a whole blog dedicated to it!

It shouldn’t mean so much to me but it’s quite a big deal on your body (whether it’s short or long) and it’s one of the first things people see. Sometimes it looks good and sometimes I looked like I’ve been dragged through a hedge backwards…then forwards…then backwards again.

But it brings me a huge sense of joy of knowing that it’s healthy and knowing the hard work I put into it is paying off. You should all celebrate your achievements, big and small.

Shout out to Amara La Negra because you can wear a fro and still be a beautiful queen, not sure why anyone had to explain that but that’s this world for you!

PS – That is not me in the picture. I suppose I could’ve used a picture of myself but I like her hair and I love the look in her eyes.

One thought on “The Top Of My Head

  1. Pingback: Top Of My Head - Woeful To FroFull

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