
20180325_215140.jpgIt’s liberating to let the veil of perfect motherhood fall

To tell the world that there is more to your ways than a cheeky demeanour

That sometimes you are a horror

You make me cry

But I still love you


Children are beautiful creatures with beautiful souls that sometimes make you feel dark things

That it would be better for them if I just ran away, that it would be better for me if I just ran away

Admitting sometimes that we’re not good for each other

You fill me with doubt

But I still love you


Those nights of unrelenting crying are long gone but they’ve left their mark mentally

Your entry to this world has left a mark in me and on me

But every tear and line is worth it

You make me feel powerful

This is why I love you


Mothering is for those that know what they’re doing and those that don’t are unworthy

After more than half a decade at this, I realise these are lies that the world allows us to believe

I’m good at this and will continue to be good at this (she tells herself)

You fill me with self pride

This is why I love you


Only I could have brought your potential into this world and made you possible

Only I could have raised you to be who you are right now

This could be a good thing

This could be a bad thing

But I will always love you and you will always love me


So every tear I shed is worth every laugh I laugh

Every hit you make is worth every hug I get

You are my imperfect world

You are my reason

This is our love


xx woeful writes xx

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